We are Professional on business service for trading and sourcing items for all the world customers for more than 15 years. We have many suppliers on the electronics lines, and nice cooperation relations for them to design the item, promote the item ,and selling items. Hope we could do the help for you on the items: electronics, special: car fm trasmitter,earphone,headphone,chargers,antenna, and cables... If you also need any new item, we would like to do sourcing for you. If you like to do in buying small quantities of different electronics. We also can help u in the best price and best quality from the factories .
One year guarantee, Every shipments shall be inspected by our professional inspectors.
Hope we could eastablish business relations and eastablish freindship.
- 所在地区:安徽省滁州市
- 行业分类:电子及通信设备制造业
- 地址:安徽省 滁州市 南谯区-王桥
- 邮编:239001